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Billing terms


I want to set a biliing terms on my quote line in order to pay in a different way. How to do it?

Custom field you need for this solution from existing object

in quote line

Billing terms

Billing period

Payment Method

Let's put these custom fields in a price rule

Price rule

Price condition

Price action

Price rule Set [Value]

Price condition

You can also put in tested formula (with our dataset)

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "DirectDebit_1_PP"

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "DirectDebit_3_PP"

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "BankTransfer_12"

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "DirectDebit_1"

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "DirectDebit_12"

Price Action

According to your condition, you can have others actions :

If you take the condition

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "DirectDebit_3"

If you take the condition

TEXT( BillingTerms__c ) = "DirectDebit_1_PP"


Here’s the other price condition according to the table shown before

Don’t forget that your object in your price action is quote line

This use case can be improved by factorizing the price rule


If you correctly implemented this solution you can see this

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