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Indexation (upgrade prices at once)


I want to increase a price of all my contract from a market, how to do it?

Custom field you need

In contract


public class ContractsIndexation {
    public class QuoteLineModel {
    	public SBQQ__QuoteLine__c record;

    public class QuoteModel {
    	public SBQQ__Quote__c record;
    	public QuoteLineModel[] lineItems;

        description='Check quotelines for products linked to specific Contract IDs.'
    public static List<List<String>> ContractsIndexationM(List<String> IndexTypes) {
        List<String> quoteIdsList = new List<String>();

        // Query all contracts with IndexationType__c IN :IndexTypes
        List<Contract> contracts = [SELECT Id FROM Contract WHERE TypeIndexation__c IN :IndexTypes];

        for (Contract co : contracts) {

        List<List<String>> result = new List<List<String>>();
        return result;

    public with sharing class AmendedContract {
        public QuoteModel load(String contractId, String context) {
            try {
                String quoteJSON = SBQQ.ServiceRouter.load('SBQQ.ContractManipulationAPI.ContractAmender', contractId, context);
                return (QuoteModel) JSON.deserialize(quoteJSON, QuoteModel.class);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Handle any exceptions here
                return null;

    public with sharing class AmendContext {
        public Boolean returnOnlyQuoteId;

    public static String createAmendment(String contractId) {
        AmendContext context = new AmendContext();
        context.returnOnlyQuoteId = false;
        String contextJson = JSON.serialize(context);

        AmendedContract amender = new AmendedContract();
        QuoteModel quote = amender.load(contractId, contextJson);

        if (quote != null) {
            SBQQ__Quote__c quoteRec = quote.record;
            return (String) quoteRec.Id;
        } else {
            // Handle the case where loading the QuoteModel failed
            return null;

    public static String QLUpdater(String contractId) {
        return createAmendment(contractId);

    public void CIndexation(String IndexType) {
        List<String> quoteIds = new List<String>();

        // Query all contracts with IndexationType__c = :IndexType
        List<Contract> contracts = [SELECT Id FROM Contract WHERE TypeIndexation__c  = :IndexType];

        for (Contract co : contracts) {

        system.debug('New Quotes IDs: ' + quoteIds);



when you finished to implement this and add a button on the list view button in contract like this:

Here the video:

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